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Before You Begin

Welcome to Microsoft® Peer Web Services version 2.0 for the Windows NT® Workstation version 4.0 operating system. With Microsoft Peer Web Services (PWS), you can create a personal Web site on your desktop for low-volume Web publishing. Peer Web Services is ideal for publishing departmental home pages or personal home pages on your company’s intranet. Peer Web Services is integrated into the Windows NT Workstation operating system and runs in conjunction with your business applications, so you do not need a separate computer for Web publishing.

Although Peer Web Services is designed for easy use with Windows NT Workstation and is intended for small-scale Web publishing, it provides the same services and most of the same features as Microsoft Internet Information Server for Windows NT Server. Internet Information Server is a robust Web server intended for high-volume, dedicated Web publishing. You can develop and test Web applications and scripts on Peer Web Services and then use them on a Web server running Internet Information Server.

Using Peer Web Services, you can develop a Web site that can be used to:

Peer Web Services also provides other information services and supports a variety of interfaces that you can use to develop other features for your Web site. You can:
Peer Web Services includes the following components:
After you have installed the Internet services, we recommend that you start Internet Explorer and browse through the samples and documentation. To start, type http://computername/samples in the Address box of Internet Explorer, where computername is the name of your computer.

For current information about PWS, browse our World Wide Web page at

For example, at the Microsoft Web site you can find new features such as Microsoft Index Server. Microsoft Index Server automatically indexes the text of documents on your Web server. Index Server indexes the complete text of HTML pages and other documents, such as those created in Microsoft Office. Microsoft Index Server also indexes OLE document properties (such as author and subject) and HTML tags so that users can search on the contents of these properties and tags.

You can create custom query forms to help users quickly and easily find information on your Web site. You can use Index Server to index documents on multiple servers and in multiple languages. Visit the Microsoft Web site to download Microsoft Index Server.

To Top About This Book

Installation and Administration Guide For Microsoft Peer Web Services tells you what you need to install the services and plan your Web site. This book also provides information about the following topics:
This book is accessible by choosing PWS Topics from the Help menu in Internet Service Manager, by clicking Documentation in Internet Service Manager (HTML version), or by choosing Product Documentation from the Internet Server program group.

To Top About Online Help

Context-sensitive Help is available for Internet Service Manager dialog boxes and property sheets. To access online Help you can:
Online Help is also available for the browser-based version of Internet Service Manager. To access the online Help, click the Help button at the bottom of each Internet Service Manager page.

To Top About the Online Examples

Microsoft Peer Web Services includes examples to help you create content and configure your computer. To see the examples, start your browser and type the address http://computername/samples,where computername is the name of your computer.

The examples include:

To Top What You Should Already Know

The documentation for Peer Web Services assumes you understand the basic operation of Windows NT and that Windows NT Workstation is installed on your computer. It is not assumed that you understand the Internet. It is helpful, but not necessary, to understand TCP/IP networking.

Securing your server and network is important before installing your site on the Internet. You should fully understand the information in Chapter 5, “Securing Your Site Against Intruders.” If you do not understand the information, you should consult Windows NT documentation or other sources.

To Top Finding Further Information

In addition to the information in this book, online Help, and online examples, additional information about using Peer Web Services is available from the following sources.

Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast complete answers to technical questions on Microsoft desktop and system products. Two monthly compact discs provide everything from crucial data on client/server and workgroup computing, systems platforms, and database products to the latest applications support for Microsoft Windows and the Apple® Macintosh®. For ordering information, call your reseller or (800) 344-2121.

The Microsoft Developer Network provides in-depth information for developers using ISAPI. With Level 1 of the Developer Network, you get four quarterly releases of the Development Library, packed with inside information on programming for Microsoft Windows and Windows NT, plus other program benefits. With Level 2 of the Developer Network, you receive all the Level 1 benefits plus quarterly releases of the Development Platform, containing the latest Windows and Windows NT Workstation operating systems and API-level Software Development Kits (SDKs) and Device Development Kits (DDKs) from Microsoft. For ordering information, call (800) 759-5474.

To Top Accessibility for People with Disabilities

Microsoft is committed to making its products and services easier for everyone to use. This section provides information about the following products and services, which make Microsoft Windows® and Microsoft® Internet Information Server more accessible for people with disabilities: Note   The information in this section applies only to users who purchased Windows in the United States. If you purchased Windows outside the United States, your Windows package contains a subsidiary information card listing Microsoft support services telephone numbers and addresses. You can contact your subsidiary to find out whether the type of products and services described in this section are available in your area.

Microsoft Services for People Who Are Deaf or Hard-of-Hearing

Through a text telephone (TT/TDD) service, Microsoft provides people who are deaf or hard-of-hearing with complete access to Microsoft product and customer services.

You can contact Microsoft Sales and Service on a text telephone by dialing (800) 892-5234 between 6:30 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. Pacific time. For technical assistance you can contact Microsoft Product Support Services on a text telephone at (206) 635-4948 between 6:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. Pacific time. Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft prices, terms, and conditions in place at the time the service is used.

Access Pack for Microsoft Windows

Microsoft distributes Access Pack for Microsoft Windows, which provides people with motion or hearing disabilities better access to computers running Microsoft Windows. Access Pack for Microsoft Windows contains several features that:
Access Pack for Microsoft Windows is included on the Microsoft Windows Driver Library in the file Access.exe. If you have a modem, you can download Microsoft Windows Driver Library components, including the following, from network services:
For this setting Specify
Baud rate 1200, 2400, or 9600
Parity None
Data bits 8
Stop bits 1

People within the United States who do not have a modem can order the Access Pack for Microsoft Windows on disks by calling Microsoft Product Support Services at (206) 637-7098 or (206) 635-4948 (text telephone).

Keyboard Layouts for Single-Handed Users

Microsoft distributes Dvorak keyboard layouts that make the most frequently typed characters on a keyboard more accessible to people who have difficulty using the standard “QWERTY” layout. There are three Dvorak layouts: one for two-handed users, one for people who type with their left hand only, and one for people who type with their right hand only. The left-handed or right-handed keyboard layouts can also be used by people who type with a single finger or a wand. You do not need to purchase any special equipment in order to use these features.

Microsoft Windows already supports the two-handed Dvorak layout, which can be useful for coping with or avoiding types of repetitive-motion injuries associated with typing. To get this layout, choose International from the Windows Control Panel. The two layouts for people who type with one hand are distributed as Microsoft Application Note GA0650. It is also contained in file on most network services or Ga0650.exe on the Microsoft Download Service. For instructions on obtaining this application note see the preceding section, “Access Pack for Microsoft Windows.”

Microsoft Documentation on Audio Cassettes and Floppy Disks

People who have difficulty reading or handling printed documentation can obtain most Microsoft publications from Recording for the Blind, Inc. Recording for the Blind distributes these documents to registered members of their distribution service either on audio cassettes or on floppy disks. The Recording for the Blind collection contains more than 80,000 titles, including Microsoft product documentation and books from Microsoft Press. You can contact Recording for the Blind at the following address or phone numbers:

Products for People Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

There are numerous products available to help people who are blind or have low vision use Microsoft Windows. For people with low vision there are screen-enlargement utilities, and for people who cannot use visual information there are screen readers that provide alternative output by synthesized voice or refreshable Braille displays. In addition, people with low vision can customize the Microsoft Windows display to suit their needs.

For more information on the various products available, see “Getting More Information” later in this section. For more information about customizing Microsoft Windows for people with low vision, see “Customizing Windows,” following.

Customizing Windows

There are many ways you can adjust the appearance and behavior of Microsoft Windows to suit varying vision and motor abilities without requiring any additional software or hardware. These include ways to adjust the appearance as well as the behavior of the mouse and keyboard. The specific methods available depend on which operating system you are using. Application notes are available describing the specific methods available for each operating system.

For information relating to customizing Windows 3.0 for people with disabilities, see Application Note WW0786; for Windows 3.1, Application Note WW0787; for Windows for Workgroups 3.1, Application Note WG0788; for Windows NT, Application Note WN0789. For information on obtaining application notes, see “Access Pack for Microsoft Windows,” earlier in this section.

Getting More Information

For more information on Microsoft products and services for people with disabilities, contact Microsoft Sales and Service at (800) 426-9400 (voice) or (800) 892-5234 (text telephone).

The Trace R&D Center at the University of Wisconsin–Madison produces a book and a compact disc that describe products that help people with disabilities use computers. The book, titled Trace ResourceBook, provides descriptions and photographs of about 2,000 products. The compact disc, titled CO-NET CD, provides a database of more than 17,000 products and other information for people with disabilities. It is issued twice a year.

You can contact the Trace R&D Center at the following address or telephone numbers:

For general information and recommendations on how computers can help specific people, you should consult a trained evaluator who can best match your needs with the available solutions. An assistive technology program in your area will provide referrals to programs and services that are available to you. To locate the assistive technology program nearest you, you can contact:

To Top Microsoft AnswerPoint

In the event you cannot install Microsoft® Peer Web Services, please refer to the support offerings below. Microsoft’s support offerings range from no-cost and low-cost online information services (available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) to annual support plans. Please check the Technical Support section in online Help for detailed information.

Microsoft support services are subject to Microsoft’s then-current prices, terms, and conditions, which are subject to change without notice.

Information Services

AnswerPoint Information Services provides you with easy access to the latest technical and support information for Microsoft products. You can access a variety of low and no cost Information Services 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

Internet services (World Wide Web and FTP sites) Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to-customer newsgroups, and other technical information on our Internet sites.

The Microsoft Network (MSN) and other online services Access the Microsoft Frequently Asked Questions, Software Library, Knowledge Base, customer-to-customer Bulletin Board Services, and other technical information on MSN and other online services. To access Microsoft services on MSN, choose Go To Other Location from the Edit menu and type MSSUPPORT.

Microsoft TechNet CD-ROM based Microsoft TechNet is the front-line resource for fast complete answers to technical questions on Microsoft desktop and systems products. For more information or o subscribe to Microsoft TechNet, call (800) 344-2121.

Microsoft Developer Network Library (MSDN) CD-ROM based MSDN is the comprehensive source of programming information and toolkits for those who write applications for the Microsoft Windows, Windows 95, and Windows NT operating systems, or use Microsoft products for development purposes. For more information or to subscribe, call (800) 759-5474.

Microsoft Download Service (MSDL) Direct modem access to a variety of technical information is available on MSDL by dialing (206) 936-6735. Connect information: 1200, 2400, 9600, or 14400 baud, no parity, 8 data bits, and 1 stop bit.

Microsoft FastTips This automated service provides quick answers to your common technical questions via an automated toll-free telephone number, fax, or mail. To access FastTips or to receive a map and catalog, call the following FastTips numbers:

Desktop applications: (800) 936-4100 Development products: (800) 936-4300
Personal Systems products: (800) 936-4200 Business Systems: (800) 936-4400

Standard Support

Microsoft Provides one free no-charge telephone support incident for Windows NT Workstation version 3.5.1 Call (719) 592-7200, 6:00A.M.-6:00P.M. Pacific time, Monday-Friday, excluding holidays. This offer is not available for Windows NT Server.

Priority Support

Microsoft AnswerPoint offers priority telephone access to Microsoft support engineers 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, excluding holidays.
For more information on Priority support offerings, including annual contracts, call Microsoft Support Sales at (800) 936-3500.

Text Telephone

Microsoft text telephone (TT/TDD) services are available for the deaf or hardofhearing. In the United States, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (206) 635-4948. In Canada, using a TT/TDD modem, dial (905) 568-9641.

Product Support Worldwide

The following list contains Microsoft subsidiary offices and the countries they serve. If there is no Microsoft office in your country, please contact the establishment from which you purchased your Microsoft product. This list provides only basic technical support phone and fax numbers; other services such as BBS and sales numbers may be available. For additional subsidiary information, check the Product Support Services Worldwide section in online Help.

When you call, you should be at your computer and have the appropriate product documentation at hand. Please follow the guidelines listed above under “Priority Support”.

Area Telephone Numbers Fax Numbers Area Telephone Numbers Fax Numbers
Argentina (54) (1) 819-1900 (54) (1) 819-1921 Liechtenstein See Switzerland
Australia (61) (02) 870-2131 (61) (02) 805-0519 Luxembourg (Dutch speaking):
(32) 2-5133274
(English speaking):
(32) 2-5023432
(French speaking):
(32) 2-5132268
Austria 0660-6593 0222-68 16 2710 Mexico (52) (5) 325-0912 -Client
(52)(5) 237-4800 -Server
Belgium (Dutch speaking):
(English speaking):
(French speaking):
  Netherlands (Dutch speaking):
(English speaking):

Bolivia See Argentina   New Zealand 64 (9) 357-5575 64 (9) 307-0516 and
64 (9) 357-5577
Brazil (55) (11) 871-0090 (55) (11) 262-8638 Northern Ireland See United Kingdom  
Caribbean (214) 714-9100 (809) 273-3636 Norway (47) (22) 02 25 50 (47) (22) 02 25 70
Chile 56-2-330-6000 56-2-330-6190 Papua New Guinea See Australia  
Colombia (571) 618 2255 (571) 618 2269 Paraguay See Argentina  
Czech Republic (+42) (2) 2451 0554 (+42) (2) 2423 4343 Poland (+48) (2) 6216793 or
(+48) (71) 441357
(+48) (2) 6615434
Denmark (45) (44) 89 01 11 (45) (44) 89 01 44 Portugal 351 1 4409280/1/2/3 (351) 1 4411655
Dubai (971) 4 513 888 (971) 4 527 444 Republic of China (886) (2) 508-9501 (886) (2) 504-3121
Ecuador (593) (2) 463-094   Republic of Ireland See United Kingdom  
England See United Kingdom   Russia (+7) (502) 224 50 46 (+7) (502) 224 50 45
Finland (0358) (90) 525 502 500 (46) (0)8 752 29 00 Scotland See United Kingdom  
France (33) (1) 69-86-10-20 (33) (1) 69-28-00-28 Singapore (65) 337-6088 (65) 337-6788
French Polynesia See France   Slovenia (+386) (61) 1232354  
Germany 089/3176-1199 089-3176-1000 Slovak Republic (+42) (7) 312083 (+42) (2) 2423 4343
Greece (30) (1) 6806-775
through (30) 1 6806-779
(30) (1) 6806 780 South Africa 0 802 11 11 0
(2) 11 445 010
(27) 11 445 0045 or
(27) 11 445 0046
Hong Kong (852) 804-4222 2535-9293 Spain 91 807 99 60 (34) (1) 803-8310
Hungary (36) (1) 267-4636 (+36) (1) 268-1558 Sweden (46) (8) 752 09 29 (46) (0)8 752 29 00
India (01) (91) 646 0694 (01) (91) 646-0813 Switzerland (German speaking):
(French speaking):
022-738 96 88
01-831 08 69
Ireland See United Kingdom   Turkey (90) 212 2585998 (90) 212 2585954
Israel 972-3-613-0833 972-3-613-0834 United Kingdom (01734) 271007 (01734) 270080
Italy (39) (2) 7039-8351 (39) (2) 7039-2020 Uruguay See Argentina  
Japan (81) (424) 41-8700 (81) (3) 5454-8100
(1#-0# for guidance)
Venezuela (582)-2654337 (582)2650863
Korea (822) 566-0027 (82) (2) 531-4600 Wales See United Kingdom  

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